Our Services


We provide a comprehensive Contract Lifting
service that covers everything needed to
execute our client
s’ lifting operations. This
includes the planning, management and
execution of the lifting operation. 

We will plan the lift, select a suitable crane,
specify the slinging and signalling
arrangements, supervise
 the lift and be
responsible for the lifting operation.


The crane, operator, crane supervisor,
appointed person and insurance
arrangements will be the responsibility of RCS. 

A contract lift undertaken by RAINBIRD CRANE
SERVICES will give you peace of mind that all
operations comply fully with BS7121 and will be
undertaken by
 competent trained lifting operatives.

All documentation including Lift Plans, Method
Statements, Risk Assessments, Thorough
Examination Certificates and copies of lifting
personnel’s qualifications will be in place
before the lifting operation is executed.


Book a Free Consultation

Please use the enquiry form to send us
details of your upcoming project that
requires specialist lifting services. We will
arrange a free consultation to understand
your lifting requirements before submitting
our proposal.